The EDIT Project
The PHIRE project focuses on results generated by the European project EDIT (GA no. 801126. October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2022) a multidisciplinary FET-Open (EIC Pathfinder called today) project funded under H2020. The project, composed by 9 international partners, has demonstrated the feasibility of an innovative strategy for the detection of bladder cancer lesions smaller than 1 mm combining newly developed targeted imaging technologies (high-resolution ultrasound elastography and photoacoustic imaging) on the bladder using plasmonic gold sensors for enhanced resolution.
Start date/End date
01-10-2018 30-09-2022
EU Contribution
Coordinated By

EDIT was selected from the European Commission to receive further supports in the form of trainings, for the participation to:
- the FET2RIN meeting, a 3-way workshop to support FET projects (i.e., EDIT) to reach out investors and make a larger impact on society (5th edition – 2018/2019 Winter Edition)
- the 15th edition of the EIC Innovation Training Workshop (11-12 May 2022)
- the Horizon Results Booster grant (50.000 Euro) to undertake complementary activities to explore potential pathways for Portfolio Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy, Business Plan Development of EDIT KERs.
EDIT outcomes were selected as innovative by the European Commission’s Innovation Radar team for the following topics:
- Targeted nanoparticles for early diagnosis and treatment of bladder Cancer
- 3D Reconstruction and visualization of the bladder and the bladder tumour combining US and PA images, further granted through a H2020-FETOPEN LAUNCHPAD (AIR3D, GA# 101034880).
Moreover, the EDIT outcomes were also highlighted through a press release in CORDIS: “Pioneering technology delivers early cancer diagnosis and treatment” (10 February 2023).